Big Brands, Great Prices and Power Ballads

Allow me to set the scene, and I beg you, do bear with me this does have a point; the year is 1990, I'm aged 9. Taking into consideration my age, I am blissfully ignorant to the enormity of world events over the last few years choosing to place Lightsabre battles and fights between Autobots and Decepticons before global politics. In the preceding months the Berlin Wall was torn down, the Cold War that plagued the post war political climate was over as the Iron Curtain fell. In Germany, one band, the Scorpions, did appreciate the seismic changes that were happening in Europe and beyond. Inspired by these events, they wrote the power ballad Wind of Change; it opens with the sound of a person whistling a rather haunting and annoyingly catchy tune. As I look around the bathroom showroom in Bilston I find myself whistling this same catchy tune (writing this blog will be a form of torture as I will now spend the next few days whistling this tune until my wife can take no more); the wind of change has been steadily blowing over the Leekes of Bilston Bathroom Showroom. Now, I do acknowledge that me joining the bathroom team at Bilston does not carry the gravitas or importance of such a monumental series of events, nor does the spectacle of new displays carry such visual impact as the end of the Cold War, but, in our own little corner of the Black Country we do have some very exciting changes.

So, I hear you ask, what is so amazing about these changes? Well, we are a proud home of products that are so futuristic that were this 1990 they would be found in a sci-fi movie; the creative mind of Philip K. Dick would have place these into some kind of dystopian future bathroom for our 1990's action hero (usually Arnold Schwarzenegger) to commit his ablutions upon as he contemplates how to take on the evil Future Corp. I digress.... the next evolution in bathroom technology is here and we have it on display in Bilston.

The Remote Control Loo from Vitra

After such a monumental build up I hope I have peaked you interest and without any further ado let me tell you a little bit about what we have added to our showroom at Leekes of Bilston. Our biggest leap forward in toilet technology is the rather futuristic named V-care. In the words of manufacturer Vitra the V-care is “the new smarter WC combining the functionality of a toilet and the cleaning properties of a bidet”. In practice this means that this wall hung toilet works in tandem with it's remote control and automatic sensors to deliver a hands-free experience of porcelain potty perfection. As you approach the toilet the seat lifts up, you press a button on the remote and set the seat temperature - banished is the experience of a cold seat in the middle of winter. Once the deed is done the adjustable bidet function and adjustable drying options will leave you with a feeling of clean that is an experience to be savoured. The added advantage is that, unlike our action hero, the toilet does not control the pod bay doors so the HAL of the bathroom will most likely not try to kill you. From a cleanliness perspective, the Rim-Ex technology built in by Vitra makes the V-care easier to clean, 95% more hygienic than a standard WC pan and, with built in air purification making the air smell a bit fresher, following your Dad into the bathroom no longer carries risks to your health!

The rather fantastic V-care has been complimented with furniture from Vitra's designer M-Line collection. Created by the boffins at Germanys NOA Design Studios, the M-Line washbasin has a specially designed bowl with the perfect depth, shape and incline to “promote the maximum flow of dirt to the waste area, preventing a build-up of waste residue on the bowl surface”. In effect this is the type of basin my wife wishes I was using when I have my bi-weekly shave! The basin unit boasts plenty of storage space whilst the 80cm LED mirror from Vitra will reflect your beaming smile back at you as you enjoy your bathroom for years to come.

I would strongly recommend you come in and see the exciting products that Vitra offer. Yes, this is at the high end of the bathroom market, but with amazing technology and design that is both practical and visually striking who can put a price on a long lasting bathroom that is easier to clean and full of technology? The V-care has an RRP of £1999 for the premium Comfort model – the one we have on display, however the Essential retails at £1399, yes, a little more than the cost of a separate WC and bidet, but it will create space and this level of comfort and technology from other manufacturers comes with a much heftier price tag. If all this fails to amaze you, then you can at least amaze your friends and recoup the cost of your amazing toilet in mere weeks by charging £1 per usage to all those friends who are totally mesmerised by the V-care system!

Bathroom Brands Adds a Diverse Range of Products to the Showroom

It isn't just Vitra who are showcasing some great product in Bilston. We are really excited to have an amazing display of fantastic bathroom products from the UK Bathroom Brands group. The Ecoround Shower from Cleargreen is the perfect partner for the Curved Drawer basin unit from Aqua Cabinets. Add this to the incredible tiles chosen by Leekes' own Welsh design wonder Lowri and we have a display that really has the “Wow!” factor. If, unlike me, you are not someone who wants to see too much tech in the bathroom the incredibly well built and durable furniture will provide any bathroom with great storage and a look that will make you proud. A selection of cloakroom units, again from Aqua Cabinets highlights what can be done in a small space and the AllinONE basin unit which incorporates a toilet roll holder and toilet brush is a novel way of making the most of the tightest cloakroom spaces – this really has to be seen to be truly appreciated.

When you add these exciting additions to the existing displays that we currently have, Leekes of Bilston showcases the absolute best of bathroom brands with displays from Utopia, Woodstock, Heritage, Roper Rhodes, Laura Ashley and Kohler as well as our own Leekes Casa range. The Bilston showroom is the only place you would need to go to for all your bathroom needs with amazing products to suit any budget. Come in and talk to myself and I will happily help you turn your bathroom ideas into bathroom heaven, plus I am always happy to discuss late 80's early 90's power ballads, dystopian sci-fi cinema and the literary works of Philip K. Dick.

*All prices quoted are correct RRP's as of December 2017, please speak to a member of staff for more information about our latest offers and the current prices.


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