Big Brands, Great Prices and Power Ballads

Allow me to set the scene, and I beg you, do bear with me this does have a point; the year is 1990, I'm aged 9. Taking into consideration my age, I am blissfully ignorant to the enormity of world events over the last few years choosing to place Lightsabre battles and fights between Autobots and Decepticons before global politics. In the preceding months the Berlin Wall was torn down, the Cold War that plagued the post war political climate was over as the Iron Curtain fell. In Germany, one band, the Scorpions, did appreciate the seismic changes that were happening in Europe and beyond. Inspired by these events, they wrote the power ballad Wind of Change ; it opens with the sound of a person whistling a rather haunting and annoyingly catchy tune. As I look around the bathroom showroom in Bilston I find myself whistling this same catchy tune (writing this blog will be a form of torture as I will now spend the next few days whistling this tune until my wife can take no more); the wi...